Velux windows planning permission

In recent years more and more homeowners decide to look for ways that can help them gain additional living space in their own houses rather than moving to a completely new place. It’s a very useful solution that’s often a lot more cost-effective. But it comes with its own set of challenges. For example, do you need planning permission for a loft conversion? Then there’s also the subject of choosing the best roof windows for the type of building you live in. You need to check such things not only before you start your renovation, but even before you start planning it. That’s the only way to make sure you choose the best options and stay within the legal requirements.

What is planning permission?

Planning permission is necessary not only when you’re building a completely new house but in many other types of construction projects as well, for example, certain house extensions. Of course, you’re not required to apply for a permit with every single renovation project. A lot will depend on the size and type of changes you want to make, but whenever you’re unsure – it’s always better to consult it with your local planning authority just to be sure. They are also the ones who’ll tell you whether your plans are in accordance with building regulations and grant you planning permission if it’s possible.

Don’t underestimate the importance of getting planning permission. You need to acquire it before starting any work. And you should always make sure to comply with such decisions and conditions given by your local council. It’s important because, in some cases, the consequences of a planning breach can even include being forced to bring the building back to its original state.

What are the permitted development rights?

Permitted development rights specify the type of construction work that can be done without the need for applying for a permit from local authorities. However, you have to be aware that in certain situations, these rules can be restricted, like for example, when your house is located in a conservation area or when an Article 4 has been issued by the council. Unless you’re completely sure that the type of renovation you have in mind falls under permitted development rights, it’s advisable to get official information about the subject.

Do I need planning permission:

  •  for a loft conversion?

Loft conversions are gaining popularity lately as a relatively easy way to gain more space or an additional room or two. There’s generally no need to apply for a permit as long as you’re not altering the existing roof of the building. However, if you’re thinking about adding an extension to your house, you’ll need to stay within the specified limits in order for such changes to be covered by permitted development.

  • for a house extension?

Usually, roof planning permission will be required for any big changes to the structure of your house roof. But for an extension to be considered permitted development, it has to meet the requirements. For example, it’s important to make sure that no parts of the extension:

  • extend the existing roof plane at the front of the house,
  • are higher than the highest part of the roof,
  • use materials that change the appearance of the roof.
  • to install roof windows?

If you’re converting your loft or building a house extension and you want to get your VELUX windows fitted, the first thing you should do is to find out whether you need planning permission. Usually, you’ll be able to install roof windows under permitted development rules, but only when they are installed in accordance with the given conditions. For example:

  • a roof window can’t project more than 15 cm above the roof plane,
  • none of the changes can be located higher than the highest part of the roof,
  • any window located on the side of the building and facing the neighbours should be obscure-glazed,
  • any openable side-facing window should be installed more than 1.7 m above the ground,

If your roof planning involves the installation of roof windows that meet the requirements listed above, applying for a permit will not be necessary. But just in case you should always make sure whether there are no local regulations that limit your options when it comes to house alterations and renovations.

Where can you learn more about building regulations?

There are several ways that can help you find out if you need a permit. The first one is to look for the information you need through the Government-run directory known as the Planning Portal. It contains everything you may want to know about the current building regulations, as well as applications for permits and building control. Another way to get official information is by contacting your local authority. But if you hire an experienced builder or an architect, they’ll also be able to give you advice on whether your roof window installation requires a permit or not.

How to increase the likelihood of obtaining a permit?

As a general rule of thumb, your windows have a greater chance of passing if they don’t impact the visuals of your home and its surroundings too much. For example, if you live in a traditional home with a specific look to it, it’s best to go with models such as VELUX’s conservation windows. This is the ideal solution for such projects because it gives you the traditional appearance combined with modern technology, thus giving you a chance to enjoy all the benefits of contemporary VELUX windows. As long as you pay attention to the regulations and fill out all the necessary forms, you should have no problem obtaining a permit and installing your new windows.

Fakro DXG 60x60 Fixed Flat Roof Window Double Glazed
Fakro DXG 60x60 Fixed Flat Roof Window Double Glazed

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