What makes skylight windows so special?

Timeless technology

Though embraced by modern architects, skylights have been around since Ancient Rome. Their characteristic of bringing in more direct sunlight into the room has not gone unnoticed, and in the 20th century they became even more prevalent with their newly discovered energy conservation capabilities. Nowadays, they are most commonly used in houses with flat roofs.


Skylight windows can come in various types and be constructed from different materials, offering a wide range of functions. There are, however three basic uses for the skylight. The first is daylighting, which is the property that allows more sunlight to seep into the room. They also provide a larger visual connection between the indoors and the environment. Lastly, they are a big part of sustainable building, allowing for passive solar heating, making them an environmentally-friendly, cost-efficient way of heating.

Types of skylights

There are more than one type of skylight available to the market. Which one is appropriate for you depends on your needs. The most basic model is the fixed unit skylight. This type of flat roof window is the most basic, consisting of a structural perimeter frame supporting a glazing infill. These windows are fixed and cannot be used for ventilation. Operable skylight windows, on the other hand, allow the occupants to open them, using a hinged sash attached to and supported by the frame. Retractable skylight windows are constructed in a way that allows the window pane to be rolled off on a set of tracks, leaving the space completely opened to the sunlight, without impeding it with glass or plastic.

Countless benefits

Skylight windows for flat roofs offer more light in your room, but extra lighting and warmth are just a fraction of the benefits skylights offer. As mentioned before, they serve as an eco-friendly way to enhance the homeliness of your residence. Additionally, research has proven that skylights have an overwhelmingly positive effect on the psyche. Studies reported that students who had lessons in classrooms with skylight windows were more productive and were much more active, feeling more at ease in the environment. Skylights are also durable, meaning that they can safely be walked on, making it possible to change your flat roof into a scenic terrace without impeding the light in your interior.