Picking the right window for your loft conversion

A loft extension can add a lot of value to your home. It’s not just about monetary value, either – your home can be made brighter and more pleasant to stay in. One of the most important aspects of a converted loft is the added lighting, so it goes without saying that windows are a particularly important element of your extension’s decor. Here are some things to consider when choosing a loft window.

Formalities come first

Before you proceed to choosing the specific type of window that you’re looking for, you need to make sure that what you’re planning is within legal bounds. There may be planning restrictions and building regulations that will dictate the look of your new loft and the layout of the windows. The restrictions regulate aspects such as the placement of the windows, particularly with regard to the position of the neighbours’ windows, Another factor that has to be considered is safety, as many loft conversion regulations necessitate the use of access points. Additionally, there are some instances in which only a specific type of window can be installed, such as if your property is part of a conservation area or is a listed building. In those cases, the involvement of architects is often required for all your external renovation projects.

Choosing the right window for your room

When picking windows, whether it’s for a loft conversion or any other regular room, the moist important factor is always visual. Both in terms of lighting as well as view, how your windows enhance the looks of your space is the most important aspect. As such, it is important to pick a type of window that will capitalise on the resources you have available. If your room is a small one, for example, it can greatly benefit from a frameless glass panel, as this will allow you to not only visually increase the size of your room, but also give you a nice view of your surroundings. If you have vaulted ceilings, gables and beams can be used to house casement windows between them, which can really bring out the character of your room.

There are various types of loft conversion and the type you choose influences the type of window you should pick for it. If it’s a simple conversion without any interference into the roof structure, rooflights can be a good choice since they’re a great way to add more light without necessitating the use of an additional dormer. If you’re performing a hip-to-gable conversion, the best way to increase the amount of light in your room is by adding windows to the newly created side wall.

Types of windows for converted lofts

As there are many types of loft conversions, there are several types of windows that can work well depending on what you choose. The most popular ones are as follows:

  • Casement windows – these are usually installed within the wall of the existing house, without the need to extend any segment outwards. They bring in a lot of light and offer plenty opening options.
  • Dormer windows – require increasing the roof space in most cases, but they have the advantage of bring very large.
  • Balcony door windows – if your loft has an added balcony, you can capitalise on that by adding a balcony door that will also help you maximise the amount of sunlight.
  • Roof windows – the best option if you have very little space to work with, roof windows are simply installed on the roof, as the name suggests.