Windows are such a prevalent feature of modern buildings that the fact that this was not always the case seems unbelievable. Yet, in the history of architecture, glass windows are a relatively recent invention, at least in the form we’re familiar with today. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the history of glass manufacturing to understand how the modern window came to be. Who invented glass? And when was glass invented for windows? Let’s find out!

A brief history of modern windows
What was used for windows before glass?
The history of windows is significantly longer than that of glass windows. For a long time before the first glass windows started being mass-manufactured, window panes used to be constructed with different materials. Depending on the location and time, we can find evidence of the use of textiles, paper, and animal hide, among others.
When and where was glass invented?
Glass, in general, is a very old invention. So old, in fact, that we cannot say who exactly was the first person to create it, nor where and when it happened. But from what we do know, it seems that people were already making glass as far back as around 4,000 years ago in the region of Mesopotamia. However, it has to be pointed out that this wasn’t the perfectly transparent glass we see everywhere today and many more centuries had to pass before sheets of glass were first used as window panes.
The beginnings of putting glass in windows
The first glass-framed windows were manufactured in the Roman Empire during the first century AD. Due to the technology available at the time, window glass manufacturing was limited to small and thick sheets of glass that one wouldn’t be able to see much through. At the time, because of their rarity, novelty and cost, glass windows were seen as a status symbol by the wealthier part of society. The next important moment in the history of the window glass industry comes with the use of stained-glass windows in churches, often to depict biblical scenes. This artistic use of colourful glass is quite common to this day, though nowadays, it’s not limited to religious buildings.
When were glass windows first used in the UK?
Then, finally, during the 17th century, the use of glass windows started to become more common. All thanks to the introduction of crown glass. Each crown glass window consisted of numerous glass discs fitted into lead frames to create window panes.
How was window glass made in the 1800s?
The use of crown glass in windows made them more affordable than ever before. To shape glass into discs, it had to be blown into the shape of a hollow globe, reheated, flattened and then cut into specific pieces. Then the cylinder method was introduced, enabling the production of larger sheets of glass. These were formed by blowing bigger glass cylinders, which were then cut, reheated and flattened.
When did glass windows become clear?
But manufacturers continued to look for ways to automate production and create cheaper, flat, and transparent glass without any blemishes on the surface. The real breakthrough came with the development of the process of making float glass in the 1950s. In this production method, molten glass is poured into a molten tin bath, where it floats and cools, creating a perfectly flat and smooth glass sheet.
Windows today are more durable and energy-efficient than ever before!
As you can see, glass window manufacturing has come a long way, from using glassblowing techniques to using molten glass to create the float glass used in modern windows. Nowadays, glass production is a fully automated process used to mass produce window panes in different shapes and sizes. However, this does not mean that there’s nothing new to invent! Currently, manufacturers seem to focus their attention on the issue of energy efficiency. Double-glazed windows and even triple-glazed windows are quickly becoming the norm on the market, offering customers improved thermal performance and effective insulation against both noise and weather conditions.
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